Infographics Pricing

March 6, 2013 / 0 Comments / Category:

[spacer height=”40px”][pricetable columns=”3″][pricetable_column style=”black” highlight=”normal” title=”ILLUSTRATION ONLY” price=”699″ price_prefix=”$” price_subfix=” ” price_subline=”perfect if you prefer to do the research yourself” button_type=”normal” button_url=”#” button_text=”Learn More”]

[/pricetable_column][pricetable_column style=”black” highlight=”highlight” title=”RESEARCH & ILLUSTRATION” price=”999″ price_prefix=”$” price_subfix=” ” price_subline=”best option for busy teams” button_type=”normal” button_url=”#” button_text=”Learn More”]

[/pricetable_column][pricetable_column style=”black” highlight=”normal” title=”RESEARCH, ILLUSTRATION & DISTRIBUTION” price=”1.299″ price_prefix=”$” price_subfix=” ” price_subline=”the premium, fully managed service” button_type=”normal” button_url=”#” button_text=”Learn More”]

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Or grab the special monthly pack to get a fully-managed infographic (valued at $1.299) each month, including submissions on 300 websites, tweets from profiles amassing 500,000 followers, guaranteed syndication on 10 premium blogs and homepage (PR7) for only $999

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